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Newsletter week of August 29 2020

Dear all,

Here is some news from team members:

International: The Live International Society of Atopic Dermatitis is on today: (1pm to 3pm GMT time) Program:


-Progressive lifting of lockdown with a return to normal situation in 2 weeks (domestic and international travel).  -Professor Rabenja commented on the diagram images sent by Vahid and Anna. The phototype in Madagascar ranges from 3 to 5, there is plenty of diversity and cultural issues. For example the hair ranges from slick to curly and the population. -Herizo and Philippe defined storage of data. serveur or onsite server (Lartic+ employee).

China (Changsha):

-This week, sorted out a total of 700 sets of data, 500 sets of other data in the hard disk, and another 200 sets of data of children in the province before. -This week, 80 cases were newly collected, including 50 cases in the dermal mirror room, and 30 cases in the provincial children who were arranged by Xiaoya. -Quality control: 10 sets of quality control data are randomly checked this week, among which 10 sets are qualified and 0 sets are not qualified, and have been modified. Up to now, there are 10 sets of qualified data and 0 sets of unqualified data. Problems: 1) When sorting out multiple choice questions in the table, the Numbers should be separated by ", "; 2/ For those lacking text information in part of the data, the basic information may need to be followed up according to the pictures.

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